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The Benefits of the Wonder Spice Turmeric
Today Turmeric and its benefits are the talk of the town. Right from athletes to yoga gurus to celebrities all are raving about the health benefits of turmeric. But our ancestors in India have always vouched for the magical properties of the wonder spice – Turmeric. Whether you are suffering from a bad cold or having some skin allergy or have hurt or burnt yourself, turmeric has always been their answer to all the problems.
Other than being the most common ingredient of home medication, uses of turmeric has scientific backing for its medicinal uses. Studies have shown that curcumin which is a compound in turmeric, is made up of powerful antioxidants which are very useful in soothing the stomach, relieving the pain in the joints etc. It also plays an important role in fighting against serious diseases and disorders like cancer, diabetes, arthritis. Research over the years has helped in revealing some very impressive health benefits of turmeric. Let us understand how it is beneficial and how to use turmeric to fight against a number of ailments and diseases.
1. Reduces Inflammation
Suffering from inflamed muscles and joints can result in severe pain. If not treated on time, prolonged inflammation could end up resulting in severe diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease etc. Fresh Turmeric is termed as the anti-inflammatory food by doctors and scientists alike.
Curcumin in Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties which helps in easing the swelling and pain in the joints and muscles. Curcumin can interact with a wide variety of molecules responsible for inflammation. It helps in down-regulating the activity of a number of enzymes, and proteins reducing the inflammatory reaction.
2. Antioxidant Effects
Our body suffers from Oxidative stress when our body’s natural antioxidant defences are overpowered by the free radicals. This imbalance in the body can result in premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases and in some cases ever cancer. The molecules in the curcumin can eliminate some of the free radicals in the body, hence creating and antioxidant effect.
3. Builds Immunity
Some of the health benefits of Turmeric are that it has properties of anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which help in building a strong immune system. Consumption of turmeric helps the body to build a strong resistance against microorganisms. So how to use turmeric so that you can build a strong immunity and fight diseases like common cold and flu. A glass of turmeric milk regularly is the best way to consume it for a stronger immunity.
4. Healing wounds
Fresh turmeric has wonderful anti-bacterial properties which help in treating any cuts or wounds or burns on the body, it works as an effective disinfectant thanks to its antiseptic properties. Just take a pinch of turmeric powder and sprinkle it over the wounded or burnt area to give you relief.
5. Digestion
If you are suffering from gastro intestinal infection or facing a digestion problem, consuming raw turmeric will be really beneficial. Consumption of fresh turmeric will stimulate the gallbladder, which will result in generation of bile aiding your digestion process. Turmeric powder is also useful in case you are suffering from gas or bloating.
Visit Turmarik (www.www.turmarik.com) to buy fresh turmeric powder and get it delivered to your doorstep. Shop for the best quality Indian staples and spices online and get them delivered the same day. We serve all of North York, Scarbough, Markham and Richmond Hill in Canada.